Saturday, August 31, 2019

Endeavour Journal Essay

This journey followed close upon the visit of the expedition on Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus. On 8 June 1769 the transit of Venus was successfully observed from three different points. After fulfilling his mission on Tahiti Cook resumed his voyage to fulfil the task given to him secretly by the Royal Society. On 7 September 1769 the Endeavour reached New Zealand, which had never been visited by any European after Abel Janszoon Tasman had discovered it on 13 December 1642. Tasman’s stay at New Zealand was not successful in the means of its discovery. No trading had been done between the native Maori and Tasman’s crew. The first discovery by the Dutch businessmen Tasman was only the western coastline of New Zealand, which had been mapped afterwards. The first seven days of the journal had been taking place at ‘Cannibals Cove’ where the HMS Endeavour anchored for about twenty-three days. James Cook has given the name after he had an encounter with indigenous people, which will be described in the following. During the stay Joseph Banks refers to several encounter with indigenous people of New Zealand. He describes the behaviour and findings in a large extend. As an example he describes the encounter of members of HMS Endeavour’s crew and a double canoe. They have been told that the indigenous people lost a female child that according to their narrative â€Å"had been stole and eat by some of their neighbours†. Another group of crewmembers reported that they have met people who told them that they ate a child the day before. As a result of these stories Banks describes the conclusions of the crew as thefts of this kind are common for those Indians. Afterwards he tries to analyse and evaluate these stories. He assumes that the crewmembers met the same people and interpreted the stories differently which have been told by the indigenous people. Nevertheless he does not exclude this either, since families that came of to the ship â€Å"often brought women and young children in arms as if they were afraid to leave them behind. † Banks’ interest in the indigenous people of New Zealand can also be illustrated by his encounter of an Indian family. He describes them as being affable, obliging and unsuspicious and observed any order or subordination. By making known his regret of not being able to stay with the family for one night his interest in people and their behaviour can be seen. On the following days Banks describes how the exploration of the Cook Straits took place. The officers’ spread their thought that the land they have been round might be an isthmus that is between their current position (Cook Strait) and the Cape Turnagain, which they have last seen 17 October 1969. To confirm this Cook ordered the crew to sail northward until the cape could be seen. Whilst sailing in this direction HMS Endeavour came across indigenous people which in Banks’ journal entries are described as richer and more cleanly than any people they have seen since their stay at the Bay of Islands 3 November 1769. This makes him believe that they might have met subordinates of the Dominions of Teratu. As it turned out they were not this kind of people and thus they had to go on sailing northward looking for a well-known part of New Zealand. On 9 February 1770 an important discovery had been made. Cape Turnagain came back into sight, which proved that the land, they had been visiting, is an island. Besides Banks’ depictions of the exploration of New Zealand and the description of the indigenous people in huge detail he described Albatrosses and other animals to a small extend. His task as botanist plays a minor part during these days. By shooting Albatrosses as often as possible he tries to nourish the crew with fresh meat. The last four days of the journal at hand take place at the east coast of the future southern island of New Zealand. On 16 February 1770 Banks reports the sighting of a new island. This island will be later called â€Å"Banks’s Island† according to the chart of New Zealand based on Cook’s mapping. The fact that this is not an island but rather part of the southern island of New Zealand will be unknown for the rest of the journey. This error happened because Captain John Gore believed that he saw land in south eastward direction. To pursue this Cook decided to follow this direction and validate Gore’s assumption so â€Å"that nobody should say he had left land behind unsought†. On 18 February 1770 Banks states that no land could be found and the voyage will continue in westward direction. In the journals’ last entry Banks describes the discovery of land that might be either part of the New Zealand or the beginning of the southern island, which they have long yearned for. What can be seen in this part of the journal is the personal conflict of Banks. Intelligence obtained by the Indians during their last anchoring stop tells them that this might only be an island, nevertheless Banks does not want to let go of the â€Å"strong hopes that we had at last completed our wishes and that this was absolutely a part of the Southern continent†. The journal at hand includes without limitation information on the discovery of the Cook Strait and exploration of New Zealand. The subsequent days of the journey will clarify if the land they have spotted is either part of the southern continent or an island on its own. Nevertheless an outcome of this journey so far is a detailed map of northern New Zealand and the discovery of the isthmus between the northern island and the southern part. The nature of this journal is a very objective description of the happenings during the voyage.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Poverty Policy In The Land Of Milk And Honey Essay

People might think that poverty is the last thing to be occurred in the United States of America –the land of milk and honey as they say, because America is known for having a Tiger Economy ever since. But it is a shame should the government of America admits that they too can experience poverty? Let them allow having an excuse that nothing is perfect. Everything is possible. However, we all know that we can attain the 0% rate of poverty in our country if everyone will work it out together. How the poverty is being measured in the United States of America? The United States Department of Health and Human Services says that there are two slightly different versions of the federal poverty measure. One is the poverty threshold which is used mainly in Census Bureau for statistical purposes, and the other one is the poverty guidelines which are basically for administrative purposes. (2007). But the US government do not really understand that the only thing this policy or measurement can do is the knowledge about figures and recoded data of how many could pass yearly in the poverty line in accordance to the standards that they have set. They never realize that the poverty measurement has nothing to do with poverty itself and how to totally demolish the poverty problem in the United States of America – the land of milk and honey! As a citizen, all I can say is that we have to go back to the main roots of the problem. What are those problems that lead us to poverty? Are we ready to face them? I guess we should. And it is not just facing them but to act on them for the betterment of any individual or household concern but also for the good of the common people, government and country. Poverty has not to be measured in starvation and emptiness only. There are many factors involve including illiteracy, illegitimacy, immorality, unemployment, dirty politics, bureaucracy, environment, lifestyle, vices, crime, over population, sickness, mortality or even having your own identity and citizenship. But as long as the scarcity and level of consumptions of every household are the major factors that we keep on measuring, we will never resolve the problem of poverty. Again, I suggest that we go back to the main roots of the problem. I affirm to David Brooks’ optimism outlook in his argument â€Å"†¦these rapid improvements (which refers to globalization) at the bottom of the income ladder are contributing to and correlating with declines in illiteracy, child labor rates and fertility rate. † (2004). But there are also some things that should be remembered. Tiger economy or third world country has the equal opportunity of experiencing poverty. However, addressing the issue of poverty lies not to the government alone. Every human beings living on Earth has to do their fair share of opinions and actions in fighting poverty. It could be done by helping others or the nation. But I guess the best poverty alleviation policy is improving first your own quality of life wherever you are; hence, every place you could have been has the chance to be a poverty-free land of milk and honey.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How to maintain effective accountability in project management Essay

How to maintain effective accountability in project management - Essay Example Hence, since most projects are implemented by teams whose heart is performance delivery, project managers need to be accountable to their teams and other project shareholders by ensuring they are empowered and dynamic. Accountability is undoubtedly one of the most important factors involved in the critical path of ensuring project managers account for the efforts of his or her team. The need for accountability in project management is to make sure that all finances and project resources are well utilized throughout a project life cycle (Barron & Barron, 2011). Hence, the ability of project managers to easily avail project data to the clients is important for ensuring good client relationships are maintained as well as establishing trust in the used methodologies. Therefore, accountability is very important to the involved teams because it ensures accountability is kept amongst project team members, a situation which prevents resentment in the project as well as helping to maintain mo rale (Gunlach, 2009). However, in order to make sure that accountability is maintained in project management there are issues which must be focused on throughout the project period. Firstly, one of such things involves maintaining effective communication within the project team and other stakeholders such as the sponsors or clients (Barron & Barron, 2011). Thus, since project management is usually a team effort, emphasis should always be placed on collaboration and communication in order to make sure everyone involved in the project can appropriately account for the allocated resources such as funds, labour, time, and so on. The significance of communication on maintaining effective accountability in management of projects is because it allows fast and easy process of making enquiries where some issues are not well understood. In addition, it also facilitates easy way of responding to concerns raised by colleagues in the project team as well as sponsors of the project or clients. Th erefore, in order to ensure accountability throughout the life cycle of a project, effective communication should be emphasized on because it is the only most important tool for the manager of the project and his or her team members (Gunlach, 2009). This is due to the fact that apart from helping in addressing concerns by team members and clients it also facilitates an easy way of addressing other obstacles to the project such as overlapping responsibilities, changes in project scope, complex integration as well as decentralization of the decision-making processes all of which pose potential conflicts in the project (Ten Step, n.d.). Secondly, maintaining effective accountability in management of any project requires establishment of the necessary project controls whereby planning plays the most significant role (Barron & Barron, 2011). This is mainly because it has been ascertained through experience, that planning for a project long before it commences lays the groundwork for acco untability from the project managers and project team as well as ensuring successful completion of the project. Thus, maintaining effective accountability in management of any project and its successful implementation and performance are highly depended on appropriate planning (Gunlach, 2009). In addition, execution of a project is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Proverbs diligence and laziness in contrast to wisdom and folly Essay

Proverbs diligence and laziness in contrast to wisdom and folly - Essay Example Through such an informed understanding, it is the hope of this particular author that the reader will gain a more informed understanding with respect to the differentials between laziness and diligence that are represented within the Bible. Perhaps the most famous quote from Proverbs that discusses the differential between laziness and diligence is as follow:" Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich." (Proverbs 10:4) Naturally, this text is not the only one within the book of Proverbs that deals with the issue of diligence as compared to laziness. Only two chapters later, Solomon has the following to say on this topic, â€Å"Work hard and become a leader;  be lazy and become a slave† (Proverbs 12:24). Finally, Solomon states, â€Å"Lazy people want much but get little,  but those who work hard will prosper† (Proverbs 13:4) The take away from each of these texts has to do with the fact that the positive attributes of diligence not only are rewarded after death; instead, they builds wealth, strength, and virtue within the immediate life of the individual who practices them.1 In seeking to analyze this particular dichotomy, the text in question An Essence of the Old Testament has the following to say regarding laziness: â€Å"Lazy behavior results in poverty while diligence results in wealth; however, poverty may also result from corruption and injustice†.2 This is a unique dynamic to discuss due to the fact that wealth is not always seen in terms of a positive connotation within the Hebrew Bible. Oftentimes, the wealthy are cast as those who are the farthest removed from the possibility of grace; as a direct result of their oftentimes arrogant attitudes.3 In helping to explicate this dichotomy to an even further degree, the authors of the text go on to note, â€Å"Proverbs contains a balanced view of wealth and poverty. Some

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Geography - Abstract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Geography - Abstract - Essay Example This is what shapes the social behavior for this ferocious animal in the Serengeti. Quammen further notes that for a lion to be found in a wrong social group could in itself mean death as is seen in the case of Hildur which was fleeing from a coalition of four lions known as ‘Killers’ (â€Å"Short Happy Life 7). Death is also illustrated when C-Boy is attacked and sound by the other three male lions-Killers. However, in most cases, the fights between lions are mainly due to the reason of wanting to gain controlling rights over a pride, which in this case belonged to C-Boy. Death for the cubs may result when their father is killed by the ‘Killers’ and their mother lion captured. They are then left for starvation, killed by the ‘Killers’ or left for the hyenas. However, mostly death for lions is as a result of jealousy against one another i.e. the lion is the enemy number one for its kind-lions. In this article, the theme clearly emerges that the reason why lions stay in prides is mainly to protect their offspring from attacks by other coalitions as well as to guard the premium territories they inhabit. In general, the article describes a life which affirms that the Serengeti is not a place for the impaired, the unlucky or the elderly. Quammen, David. "The Short Happy Life of a Serengeti Lion." National Geographic (2013). 2. Living with Lions Human relations with animals are one which is defined by various factors most of which are controversial. Controversial in the sense that choice is made between the domesticated animals and the wild ones. However, for communities who are living next to neighborhoods inhabited by wild animals, daily confrontations with the same is a general phenomenon. Since wild animals such as lions are predators of human beings, there is always a constant struggle for survival in the habitat. In this article, Living with Lions, Qu ammen documents on the relational existence between man and the ‘King of the Jungle’ (â€Å"Living with Lions 10†). First, the article describes the lions are complicated, fearsome animals, which have continually complicated the lives of human beings living among them. This is because the lions are incompatible with the pastoral and farming life of men around them. Therefore, continually man is forced to hunt and kill the lions as a safety precautionary measure. On the other hand, lions as predators are know to cause havoc by attacking and maiming the human beings. This scenario has seen the trend of lions dwindling downwards while that of men who seek for survival trends upwards. Second, the author has also documented on the past trend line of lions as having been that of staying with men since time immemorial. For instance, the Chauvet cave in southern France has Paleolithic painting that vividly show the co-existence between lions and men in Europe nearly 30 m illennia ago. However, this has changed and for a number of reasons such as loss of habitat, and poaching, fragmentation of the habitat, displacement by livestock, ritual killings among particular communities such as the Maasai in Kenya and the unsustainable hunting of lions by affluent Americans (â€Å"Living with Lio

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Finance - Assignment Example The dataset includes information about stock return, return on equity, and return on assets, total bank assets and amihud index. The data set used in this study is related to several banks that do operate in various parts of the world and this enabled the understanding of the interaction of these two variables that include funding liquidity and market liquidity risk. Firstly correlation analysis was undertaken between certificate of deposits for banks (funding liquidity risk) and Amihud index (market liquidity risk).Regression analysis was as well undertaken between these two variables. In addition, for further studies, a regression analysis could be performed between the dependent variable which was certificates of deposit and the independent variables that include, total asset, stock returns, Amihud index and return on assets. Literature on the interaction between the funding liquidity risk and market liquidity risk was searched on internet through Google. Important journals related to the topic were selected and summarized. The key words such as measurement of market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk; the relationship between market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk were used when searching the literature online. The below results from correlation analysis indicate that there is a positive correlation between the market liquidity risk and the funding liquidity risk during the given period. The positive correlation is indicated by 0.08 as the coefficient value between these two variables. It is also seen that the correlation between these two variables is significant since the p value is less than 0.05.The variable of market liquidity and funding liquidity have been represented by Amihud index and the volume of assets. Basing on the regression analysis results below where, Amihud index was taken as dependent variable and the certificates of deposit represented independent variable.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Maintaining the Music Business while Introducing iPhone and Apple TV Essay

Maintaining the Music Business while Introducing iPhone and Apple TV - Essay Example Maintaining the Music Business while Introducing iPhone and Apple TV Apple also faces challenge in maintaining its core competencies relationship building, marketing, innovation, and brand management - as it moves on controlling the broader range of products and oversees wider markets. Wider customer base and new rivals brings on much variety of strengths and strategies. The entertainment and technology in itself are constantly updating. It is even uncertain that the Apple could bring on innovative design campaign for its brand reputation or launch new products or give out technological breakthroughs that will attract wider enjoyers. Moreover, the company’s products rather than depending upon the internally developed software and hardware depends on the ability to safe the media contents. Apple’s growth and success balancing stakeholder demands has even been facing problems. At times managing the clashing expectations of suppliers, partners, customers, investors, legal/governmental entities, and others put greater amount of stress on Apple's management team. Moreover the company is dependent upon its vision, Job’s charisma, relationship-building skill and mass communication put the Apple in to at risk in case of improper succession planning and the likewise non-proficiencies. An appropriate set of goals written and strived for would help ensure that Apple Computer remain updated with its current position in the market or otherwise. Apple success strategy also ensures steps are taken for copyrights infringement. A healthy way to obtain customer satisfaction and ensure constant growth for the company would be to make use of following dimensions: Dimensions for Success Financial Performance Measures: Cash Ratio - ( Cash Input over Cash Output comparison) Sales Ratio - (sales per 100 customers) N.P Ratio - (Net Profit on sales) Gearing Ratio - (Long Term Debt to Shareholders Equity) Stock Turnover Ratio - (Inventory to Cost of Goods Sold) Creditor turnover - ( Creditors to Cost of Goods Sold) Debtor turnover - (Debtors to Accounts Receivable) P.E Ratio - (Market Price to Earnings Per Share) MPS - (Market Price per Share) Non-Financial Performance Measures/ (strength and weakness analysis through inte rnal factors) Product life Cycle (stages through which a product moves) Labor Turnover (refers to movement of employees in and out) Analysis of stock-outs (out of stock events) Complaints re manuals

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Anthropology (movie) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anthropology (movie) - Essay Example m, it is submitted that Marc Forster’s approach clearly mirrors Ebert’s review of the film by providing an engaging narrative with the overriding purposes to provide a socio-political commentary on the instability in Afghanistan through the presentation of complex cultural norms. Moreover, the film’s visual portrayal of Hosseini’s secular narrative in the book is precisely what resonates with the audience in the superimposition of â€Å"human faces and a historical context on the tragic images of war from Afghanistan† (Ebert, 2009:373). Ebert’s review of the film suggests a visual emphasis on presenting Afghan culture outside the presumptions of the war torn state (2009). This is supported by the scenes of the boys flying kites as a precursor to the loss of innocence, the burden of living with guilt and the need for redemption as symbolised through Amir’s character development after his betrayal of Hassan. As such, the cinematic portrayal of the relationship between Hassan and Amir with other boys in the kite flying season presents a novel perception of Afghanistan and Afghani culture prior to the â€Å"Taliban, the Americans and the anarchy† (Ebert, 2009:373). The film clearly presents this part of Afghan culture by using special effects to visually emphasise the freedom and importance of family bonding in kite flying. Additionally, Ebert suggests that the film presents the freedom and exhilaration of kites to their owners, which is utilised by Forster to underline the cultural and class divide between Amir as the kite flyer and Hassan as the kite runner. To this end, Ebert suggests that â€Å"perhaps that sad wisdom in Hassan’s eyes comes from his certainty that all must fall to Earth, sooner or later† (Ebert 2009:374). In watching the film, the vulnerability of the actor playing Hassan reinforces the precarious nature of his societal position as a Hazara in Afghanistan, which leaves him powerless in the shocking rape scene and its aftermath.

Rectifying Issues in Corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rectifying Issues in Corrections - Essay Example Among the most influential methods of reducing prison overcrowding, include developing community-based alternatives to incarceration as means of reducing the prison population and reviewing the prison designs (Salins & Simpson, 2013). John Howard, 200 years ago while writing about prison reforms at that time-expressed concern for the destructive effects of such poor conditions on inmates. While in many ways prison conditions have considerably improved, some of the problems that were faced in the past are still present in the current correctional systems. Overcrowding has continued to haunt United States jail and prison as the pressures of an increasing inmate population affected the correctional facilities, coupled with the corrections cost for lower demands, have resulted in living space for inmates growing shortage. Not only do institutions exceed capacity but they also operate at maximum. Inmates are increasingly forced into living in open dormitories and single cells double-bunki ng (James, 2013). Effects of overcrowding studies on inmates have meant describing and defining what crowding basic effects can have on humans, with most of the done research concentrating mostly on social density and spatial density of crowding. The definition of spatial density is viewed as the amount of space in a particular housing unit available per person. On the other hand, the definition of social density is described as the factor, which contributes most to the adverse effects of crowding and number of individuals sharing a housing unit. Total effects of crowding, however cannot be explained by just density alone, researchers like physical environment and personal control have found other factors that heighten or lessen the density impact (James, 2013). Addressing Overcrowding Many corrections researchers and officials agree it is not realistic to solve and expect the overcrowding problem solely through constructing newer and more facilities. In the United States, an increa sed focuses on the reduction of the correctional facilities population, whether in the future or currently with alternatives to incarceration, such as intermediate sanctions and community supervision that range from fines to parole release has been noted. However, this has proved to be a challenging and more complex route than that of corrections facilities redesigning the physical environments. An example of this implementation in the Canadian correctional services shows that to correct the overcrowding, they have established five strategic corporate objectives to implement a strategy for community supervision, to develop differential standards that will enable community case workers to focus greater attention on high-risk offenders. Other objectives include continuing effective population management, developing policies that will allow more low-risk offenders to be released at their earliest parole eligibility date and develop better policies with regard to those individuals ident ified as good parole risks (Johnson & Johnson, 2012). To the overcrowding issue, researchers in the United States have explored alternative responses and called into question some of the assumptions about the reasons for correctional overcrowding and the effectiveness of community-based alternatives to i

Friday, August 23, 2019

Responsible luxury business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Responsible luxury business - Research Paper Example For holding their positions in the market the companies design their luxury businesses in sustainable way. This helps the firms to enhance the core values of their business. Sustainable business approaches of luxury businesses benefit the environment and their employees. As a result these companies are able to create strong position in market. This research paper deals with the luxury brand Gucci. Sustainability of this luxury business will be discussed in this paper. Various sustainable approaches of this company will be highlighted here. This research paper will focus on views of different authors regarding sustainability in luxury business. A business incorporates different standards for making its luxury business more sustainable. As per the authors, Crane and Matten, in the modern business environment sustainability has become an important factor for achieving growth and success. Sustainable business creates positive impact on employees, customers and society. With the help of sustainable approaches a company enhances its business activities. The authors state that in the changing business environment the luxury companies are focusing more on their responsibilities towards society, employees and environment. They are performing various activities which help them to portray their corporate social responsibilities. The products of the luxury brands are highly desired by people. These products are of high standards. For this reason the luxury companies maintain their standards by performing good social activities. Brand name or reputation of luxury business plays a vital role in selling their products. When this type of company performs various sustainable activities then its reputation gets enhanced and the po pularity of the brand increases. Therefore sustainable business processes of luxury business help the company to attract more customers (Crane and Matten, 2010). According to the authors, Moore and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Conflict resolution Essay Example for Free

Conflict resolution Essay Portfolio is a collection of evidence, usually in written form that presents personal and professional development, by providing critical analysis of its contents (McMullen, et. al., 2003). A portfolio captures learning from experience, enables to measure learning, acts as a tool for reflective thinking, illustrates critical analytical skills and evidence of self-directed learning and provides a collection of detailed evidence of a persons competence (Gray, et. al., 2004). For Dewey, reflective thinking consisted of two parts: a state of doubt and a search to resolve that doubt. Thus, constructing a portfolio is an act of revealing ones beliefs. At the heart of portfolio development is purposeful choice making (Davis, et. al., 1997). This portfolio has been written as a part of the Post Graduate diploma in neonatal intensive Care nursing. The author will begin by providing an overview of reflection and mention the models used to guide this process. For the purpose of reflection the essay shall be written in the first person. I will reflect on one specific incident that I encountered in my experience as a neonatal nurse in one of the maternity hospitals which, I will analyse and discuss how it affected my practice. I will conclude by summarising my thoughts and reflections. For the purpose of data protection I have used pseudonyms when referring to those involved in the incident Agent-Based Manufacturing and Control Systems: New Agile Manufacturing Solutions for Achieving Peak Performance Massimo Paolucci and Roberto Sacile ISBN: 1574443364 Curing the Patch Management Headache Felicia M. Nicastro ISBN: 0849328543 Cyber Crime Investigators Field Guide, Second Edition Bruce Middleton ISBN: 0849327687 Disassembly Modeling for Assembly, Maintenance, Reuse and Recycling A. J. D. Lambert and Surendra M. Gupta ISBN: 1574443348 The Ethical Hack: A Framework for Business Value Penetration Testing James S. Tiller ISBN: 084931609X Fundamentals of DSL Technology Philip Golden, Herve Dedieu, and Krista Jacobsen ISBN: 0849319137 The HIPAA Program Reference Handbook Ross Leo ISBN: 0849322111 Implementing the IT Balanced Scorecard: Aligning IT with Corporate Strategy Jessica Keyes ISBN: 0849326214 Information Security Fundamentals Thomas R. Peltier, Justin Peltier, and John A. Blackley ISBN: 0849319579 Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition, Volume 2 Harold F. Tipton and Micki Krause ISBN: 0849332109 Introduction to Management of Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes Donald F. Blumberg ISBN: 1574443607 Maximizing ROI on Software Development Vijay Sikka ISBN: 0849323126 Mobile Computing Handbook Imad Mahgoub and Mohammad Ilyas ISBN: 0849319714 MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks Nam-Kee Tan ISBN: 084932212X Multimedia Security Handbook Borko Furht and Darko Kirovski ISBN: 0849327733 Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives, Second Edition Teresa C. Piliouras ISBN: 0849316081 Network Security Technologies, Second Edition Kwok T. Fung ISBN: 0849330270 Outsourcing Software Development Offshore: Making It Work Tandy Gold ISBN: 0849319439 Quality Management Systems: A Handbook for Product Development Organizations Vivek Nanda ISBN: 1574443526 A Practical Guide to Security Assessments Sudhanshu Kairab ISBN: 0849317061 Agent-Based Manufacturing and Control Systems: New Agile Manufacturing Solutions for Achieving Peak Performance Massimo Paolucci and Roberto Sacile ISBN: 1574443364 Curing the Patch Management Headache Felicia M. Nicastro ISBN: 0849328543 Cyber Crime Investigators Field Guide, Second Edition Bruce Middleton ISBN: 0849327687 Disassembly Modeling for Assembly, Maintenance, Reuse and Recycling A. J. D. Lambert and Surendra M. Gupta ISBN: 1574443348 The Ethical Hack: A Framework for Business Value Penetration Testing James S. Tiller ISBN: 084931609X Fundamentals of DSL Technology Philip Golden, Herve Dedieu, and Krista Jacobsen ISBN: 0849319137 The HIPAA Program Reference Handbook Ross Leo ISBN: 0849322111 Implementing the IT Balanced Scorecard: Aligning IT with Corporate Strategy Jessica Keyes ISBN: 0849326214 Information Security Fundamentals Thomas R. Peltier, Justin Peltier, and John A. Blackley ISBN: 0849319579 Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition, Volume 2 Harold F. Tipton and Micki Krause ISBN: 0849332109 Introduction to Management of Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes Donald F. Blumberg ISBN: 1574443607 Maximizing ROI on Software Development Vijay Sikka ISBN: 0849323126 Mobile Computing Handbook Imad Mahgoub and Mohammad Ilyas ISBN: 0849319714 MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks Nam-Kee Tan ISBN: 084932212X Multimedia Security Handbook Borko Furht and Darko Kirovski ISBN: 0849327733 Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives, Second Edition Teresa C. Piliouras ISBN: 0849316081 Network Security Technologies, Second Edition Kwok T. Fung ISBN: 0849330270 Outsourcing Software Development Offshore: Making It Work Tandy Gold ISBN: 0849319439 Quality Management Systems: A Handbook for Product Development Organizations Vivek Nanda ISBN: 1574443526 A Practical Guide to Security Assessments Sudhanshu Kairab ISBN: 0849317061

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Duty To Ones Family And Heritage English Literature Essay

Duty To Ones Family And Heritage English Literature Essay Sense of duty and honor to ones heritage and family! What is it about that feeling that beckons individuals to fulfill that responsibility? Is it because they feel pressured to do so by their family, or is it the culture of a family that pressures the individual into fulfilling that duty. Whatever the reason, this idea of ones responsibility to their heritage and family is the most evident and arguably the most important theme in Alice Walkers Everyday Use and Eudora Weltys A Worn Path. Both narratives provide and in depth look at the barriers that divide families, and the challenges they go through to overcome them. The main theme in the short story Everyday Use concerns the characters connections to their ancestral roots. In Everyday Use, Dees beliefs about her heritage and family contrast those of her mother and little sister Maggie. Maggie and her mothers connection to their heritage lie in their memories and traditions of their foremothers. They would rather remember their ancestors for who they were as people, not as members of a specific society. Dees bond to her heritage comes from collecting and displaying her ancestors possessions as African art. Dee believes that she is asserting her African heritage by changing her appearance, her personality, and even her name, in spite of the fact that her family has lived in the America for several decades. Her mother states that when Dee sees the new house, a three-room shack with no real windows and a tin roof, she will want to tear it down. (Walker 445) When Dee arrives at her mothers house her appearance confirms this trend. She is dressed in i ntricate clothing with an assortment of gold jewelry and she crudely informs her mother and sister thats she now goes by the name of Wangero. Maggie and her mother are bemused and somewhat intimidated by Dees new image as Wangero. Dees selfishness and need for independence is demonstrated at a young age when she watches her humble home burn to the ground, with a look of concentration on her face. (Walker 444) Later, Dee wanted nice things (Walker 445), particularly clothes, and was obsessed with capturing a fashion and lifestyle that contrasted with her humble roots. In contrast to Dees material life is Maggies and her mothers pride in their home and heritage, and their satisfaction with their own lives. They have made the front yard clean and wavy, a yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. (Walker 443) Because of their opposing views, each member of the Johnson family values their possessions for different reasons. Dee searches the house for objects she can display in her own home as examples of African-American folk art. Maggie and her mother value the same objects not for their artistic value, but because they remind them of their loved ones. Dee admires a butter churn, and when Maggie says it was carved by their aunts husband His name was Henry, but they called him Stash (Walker 447) Dee replies mockingly that her sister has a memory like an elephants. (Walker 447) But the story implies that Maggies elephant-like memory for her loved ones and her appreciation for their handiwork is a more authentic way to celebrate their heritage than Dees artistic interests. Dees interest in the butter churn and the quilts is brought up because they are priceless objects. She wants to have them as antiques and would not think of using them for everyday use. However, everyday use in the narrator s opinion is the best way to value the past, and to keep it alive. Phoenix Jackson, the protagonist in the short story A Worn Path, is a character who defines the theme of duty to ones family. She is the symbol of determination, endurance, and the will to survive in the face of adversity and death. In the character of Phoenix, Welty is able convey the virtue in doing selfless things for others. Her selfless concern for her grandson is the most powerful representation of giving and self-sacrifice. Critics have noted that her total determination in making the long journey on foot and alone points to these qualities, as does the mythological meaning of her name Phoenix, an Egyptian bird symbolizing resurrection. Christian symbolism is also quite clear in the narrative. For example, the fact that the story is set during the Christmas has led many critics to parallel Phoenixs journey with that of a religious pilgrimage. Phoenix Jacksons overwhelming sense of duty to her grandson is the only thing that seems to keep her focused on the long and hazardous j ourney to town. Because she is the only person her grandson has to rely on, We is the only two left in the world, (Welty 69) she tells the nurse, she is determined to make the trip to town to get the medicine that will relieve his injured throat. Her responsibility dominates her personality, overcoming her progressing senility, her poor eyesight, and her difficulty in walking. Phoenix again demonstrates her dedication to her grandson when she speaks to the hunter about her journey into town, she tells the hunter I bound to go to town, mister, the times come around.(Welty 67) While much of the storys power comes from the imagistic and symbolic use of language, the action in the story shows Phoenix in direct conflict with the outside world, a society run by white people who have little respect or understanding for her situation. A man hunting in the woods assumes that she is going to town simply to see Santa Claus, while a nurse somewhat politely calls her as a charity case and offers little compassion for the troubles of Phoenix or her sick grandson. The nurse however has a duty and a responsibility to keep giving Phoenix the medicine as long as she keeps coming to get it. She says that, the doctor said as long as you came to get it, you could have it, but its an obstinate case.(Welty 69) Even the hunter who helps Phoenix out of the ditch, and the young woman on the street, who ties up her shoes, seem to act purely out of duty, not out of compassion or love. Only Phoenixs actions, making the difficult journey into town for her grandson, are due to a true sense of responsibility and are motivated by a true love. Most people are compelled by this sense of duty and responsibility for their families and their heritage at some point in their lives. People wouldnt be who they are today if it wasnt for their ancestors and those that came before them, and if it wasnt for the love and life lessons that families provide for each other then individuals would have no idea where their place in the world is, or what to do with the gift that is life. People will often go to extreme lengths to prove or simply fulfill their own sense of duty to the ones they love. Some might argue that they only do this because they feel that they must, or that there will be some unknown consequence if they dont, but I would like to think that people do what they do for the ones they love because it has positive effects for them, as well as themselves. Its human nature to want carry out responsibilities that have been laid down and set before us, not just the need to please others. Works Cited Page Gioia, Dana and X.J. Kennedy, eds. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Tenth ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. Tom Hopkens. A Worn Path Critical Analysis. Eudora Welty Literary Criticism. 14 Oct. 2002. Google. 15 Apr. 2010. Anthony David. Everyday Use Literary Criticism. Women Literature Newsweek. 7 May. 2004. Google. 15 Apr. 2010 Walker, Alice. Everyday Use. Literature: Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 64-68. Print. Welty, Eudora. A Worn Path. Literature: Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. 443-447. Print.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Performance Criteria For External Walls

Performance Criteria For External Walls External walls are referred to as cladding if they are made of masonry or panels. External walls are vertical elements which enclose the building. In the design of the specified building, the main performance criteria needed as requested by the client are as follows: WEATHER PROTECTION: Walls must be able to exclude rain, wind, snow, frost and sometimes heat and glare from the sun. The walls should often at the same time need to allow the building to be naturally ventilated and natural light to enter the building. In this respect, there are two broad functions the wall needs to perform.ÂÂ   It should resist moisture from the ground and therefore would normally need damp proof courses to do so. It should also be able to adequately resist the penetration of weather from the outside to the inside of the building. FIRE RESISTANCE OF EXTERNAL WALL The external envelope of the buildingÂÂ  should not provide a medium for fire spread if it is likely to be a risk to health or safety. The use of combustible materials for cladding framework, or of combustible thermal insulation as an over-cladding or in ventilated cavities, may present such a risk in the proposed buildings, even though the provisions for external surfaces may have been satisfied. Considering the event of fire breakout in the building, the walls of the building are required to inhibit the spread from room to room of the flames, smokes and gases. The external walls should fulfill the obligation of containing the fire within the building for prescribed period of time, thus limiting spread to adjacent buildings. It is ultimately necessary that the walls be able to perform their structural functions during the fire until all occupants have had sufficient time to escape. Based on the use of the building in this project, the time deemed necessary for such an escape is ÂÂ ½-2 hours. The materials must be carefully chosen so as to resist fore to the utmost. The combustibility of the materials must as low as possible so as to prevent quick spreading of the fire. THERMAL RESISTANCE Due to increased energy cost of recent times, and the higher comfort expectations of occupants of buildings, the pressure for better thermal insulation has become a predominant factor in the performance of buildings. There is therefore greater demand for service engineers to be involved in the thermal design of the external fabric of buildings. It therefore makes economic sense to design the walls of a building so that thermal energy consumption will be kept as low as possible. It is therefore recommended that the service engineers be aware of the required heating cycle of the building and should thus decide what thermal insulation is required and where it should be positioned. He should advise on the positioning of vapour barriers, thus reducing the occurrences of one of the major defects common in modern buildings, that of condensation. The walls having thermal resistance will limit the amount ofÂÂ  heat the building will lose from the internal spaces, and gain from the outside environment.ÂÂ   The materials used will determine exactly how compliance is achieved andÂÂ  manufacturers can generally provide some form of guidance for their products. Cavity Walls The cavity can be fully filled with insulation or partially filled (consult the manufacturers before proceeding). If it is partially filled then an airÂÂ  gap is generally required, the size of which willÂÂ  varying depending onÂÂ  the specific products used for the wall construction and insulation. The insulation should go at least 150mm below the DPC level. Solid Walls These walls are generally insulated by placing some form of thermal element on the inside and rendering the outside. The thickness of these products will depend on the thickness and type of block used. STRENGH AND STABILITY: Two main categories are distinguished here: Structural and non-structural. The former make a positive contribution in the structural integrity of the building and in doing do can act in two ways: 1. the walls may be load bearing and/or stabilizing. Here, they are designed to carry not only their own weight but also other loads exerted by the roof and floors. These walls are designed to resist compression. 2. When performing as stabilizing walls, they are designed to resist horizontal or oblique forces such as wind pressure, earth or water pressure, or thrust from other parts of the building such as arches. These walls are designed to resist shear and are often known as shear walls. The later are more commonly called non-load bearing. They are therefore designed to carry only their own weight and not that of any other elements in the building. It is worth noting here that such walls may still be requested to resist horizontal loads, in particular wind loading. DURABILITY It is often an expectation from most clients that the external fabric of the building will have an acceptable life expectancy. The external walls of the building of this design must be able to withstand the effects of the weather, such as wind, frost, snow, rain, sun and heat to be durable. The walls should also be able to resist physical damage to which they will be subjected during their life. Maintenance is therefore necessary in the elements of the building, including the walls in order to achieve a prescribed life expectancy. It is worth noting that care must be taken in the maintenance work as damage almost often results in the maintenance of the walls. BUILDABILITY Buildability relates more to judgment and knowledge than to mathematical analysis. Buildability reflects whether the specific design can be assembled by various trades without compromising the functional requirements during construction. Buildability is more related to good design than to superior workmanship because, as experience indicates, only a good design can combine all the environmental factors while presenting an easy construction pattern. For the most part, it is the designer who attends to the aspects of buildability such as material installation under different weather conditions, level of skill required for installation, and construction tolerances. Often buildability problems arise when different professions are involved; for instance neither the window manufacturer nor the wall designer may consider the window wall interface as their concern. It is therefore necessary not to disregard the difficulty that the builder can experience when constructing the proposed office building. NOISE Noise can cause stress and loss of sleep, and lead to ill health. For an office to be comfortable it must be designed so that its layout and structure keep noise to an acceptable level. Designing for noise control is not easy, because the sources of noise are not always apparent at design stage, and the paths by which sound travels are not always obvious. The aim, however, should be to ensure that most activities can be carried out without undue interference from internal or external noise. For external walls where windows provide passive ventilation, the need for ventilation must be balanced with the need to reduce noise open windows do not reduce noise from outside. To effectively reduce external noise, the external walls should be well constructed and insulated. A walls ability to reduce noise is dependent on: type of construction; materials; and insulation There are two main construction techniques for walls: Continuous construction A wall in which the components are mechanically connected such as single brick or single stud. Discontinuous construction A dual layer of wall in which the leaves have a minimum 20mm cavity and are not mechanically connected in any way, except at the periphery such as brick cavity and discontinuous stud. When choosing a wall system to reduce noise from the inner city environment, the contractor should consider: materials; general construction; and best practice design Increasing the thickness of the building materials, and ensuring all gaps are sealed can help considerably when dealing with sound insulation. An important feature of well constructed external walls is correctly sealed junctions, as this aids in the reduction of noise transmission through gaps and cracks at the edge of building elements. These noise flanking paths can defeat noise reduction techniques. An important feature of well constructed exterior walls is properly sealed junctions, which aid in the reduction of noise transferred via flanking paths (gaps at the edge of building elements that allow sound to travel through). Even a sound-rated wall may not perform adequately, if joints and junctions are not properly sealed. Challenges to good acoustic design of external walls can arise from noise transferred via flanking paths. It is important to minimise flanking through services and penetrations. The impact isolation of a wall may also be compromised by insufficient attention to detail. Flanking is the transfer of noise through paths around a building element, rather than through the element directly. Flanking can descr ibe the transfer of noise through gaps and cracks in a building element, or via incorrectly sealed junctions between two materials. These noise flanking paths can defeat noise reduction techniques. QUESTION THREE HOW PARTITIONS, SUSPENDED CEILING AND RAISED FLOOR CAN BE USED TO FACILITE THE CLIENT REQUIREMENT OF THE BUILDING PARTITIONS can be described as an internal wall of a structure which divides a building into a number of parts to serve its purpose. Partition can be divide into two main groups that is, load bearing and non load bearing. FUCTIONAL REQUIREMENT OF STEEL PARTITION SYSTEM The following are: Sound Insolution: Is the reduction obtained when sound passes from one side of a partition to another. Sound may considerd as waves of pressure. Sound Absorption: Is the material used to reduce the amount noise that is reflected from a wall surface back into the room and does not increase the sound reduced value of the structure. Sound absorption is usually achieved by adding a soffit finish to the head surface of a wall. Flexibility: The material should be flexible enough to resist any forces or any movement that will change it actual function. Strength and stability: The partition system should be strong enough to resist the various loads that may be imposed on it. These loads include permanent loads such as shelves and wash basins. Services and accommodation: Partition system should be providing with spaces or voids within partitions system to provide services accessed for repair and maintenance. TYPES OF PARTITIONS SYSTEM Metal stud partition: These can be defined as vertical internal space divides and are usually non loads bearing walls. These can be permanent, constructed of material such as metal post and sheet lining such as plasterboard. This type of partition is suitable for rehabilitation works. Joints in panels are usually filled as the plasterboard is normally covered with a scrim coat of plaster. It is however slowing, wasteful of materials and it is difficult to install components such as door and windows hatches. Frame and sheet partition: These are similar in concepts metal stud and sheet partitions; except that they are constructed using an arrangement of proprietary components such as doors and glazing element. Cutting component is kept a minimum and joints between panels are usually expressed using cover strips. Frame and sheet partitions are suitable for dismantling and relocation, and can be called demountable partitions. Frame and panel partition: These are variations on the frame and sheet partition. In this system the panels are placed between the studs or frame which is left exposed. These methods are constructed by using self supporting panels, with double skin of plasterboard separated by egg-create element. SUSPENDED CEILING Suspended ceiling: These can be defined as ceiling which is fixed to a framework suspended from the main structure thus forming voids between the two components. It is used where enough height as available to hang it from the ceiling joists and still have enough height between the floor and new ceiling. Suspended ceiling have two main functions: a metal grid that provide a structural and a height weight panels that slip into grid. The basic functional requirement of suspended ceiling is: They should be easy to construct, repaired, maintain and clean. Should be designed that an adequate means of access is provide to the voids spaces for the maintenance of the suspension system concealed services and / or light fighting. Provide any required sound and / or thermal insulation. Provide any required acoustic control in terms absorption and reverberation. Should be provide with fire resistance or protection to structure steel beams supporting floor. Conform with the minimum requirements set out in the Building Regulations and in particular the regulations governing the restriction of spread of flame over surfaces of ceiling and exceptions permitting the uses of certain plastic material. TYPES OF SUSPENDED CEILING The suspended ceiling can be classified as the way in which they are constructed as following: Jointless ceiling: These ceilings although suspended below the main form uses sheets of plasterboard. In these systems the plasterboard is fixed to the underside of the suspended framework. This can provide fire resistant ceiling and this may be one of the reasons for using this type of construction. Moreover it is not suitable for a situation where service is to be carried in the voids unless they can be approached from the floor area above. This type of ceiling is particularly useful where the ceiling needs to take s sculptured shape. It can provide a fire resistant ceiling construction. Jointed or frame and tile systems: These ceilings are the commonest form of suspended ceiling use in construction industry today. They constructed with a metal framed grid suspended from the floor or structure above. In this system the grid are fitted tiles made from different materials such as minerals fibre board, plaster and metal and it is supported by the grid. Generally these types of ceiling are easily constructed, maintained and easy means of access to services. Open ceiling: These ceiling are designed to give a visual barrier between the rooms below and the ceiling voids above by the use of an open grid. This type ceiling the light is fixed to the lower side of the ceiling. RAISED FLOOR TYPES OF RAISED FLOOR The shallow or battened floor: This type of floor is supported on battens fixed to the structural sub-floor. This type of floor provide spaces of wiring and the floor contain the acoustic properties of a floor and as cavities seldom exceeds 100mm is normally only used to conceal cable runs. Platform floor: This type of floor is supported on adjustable jacks whom rest on the structural sub-floor. Using pedestals an adjustable cavity with depth ranging from 40mm to 150mm depending on which proprietary system can be provided. It is suitable for most services installation requirements. SECTION TWO TECHNICAL DESIGN DECISIONS TO BE TAKEN TO SPEED UP CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Clients often demand faster construction so as to benefit from early completion of projects. Although there are notable examples where fast construction has been achieved, the consensus is that the construction industry has not been entirely successful in meeting clients expectations. This is mainly due to a disjointed industry, in which design is often separated from the construction activities. Traditional practices are proving inadequate, to the point where either they can no longer achieve the desired delivery time, or, if projects are forced to meet the programme, they do not provide the required quality and long term performance. If faster construction is needed, the level of attainment of the targets is an essential part of assessing the overall performance of the construction industry in meeting client needs. Site location The location of the structure on the chosen site is often fundamental to the success of the faster construction initiative. Attention should be paid to site topography, especially noting potential sources of problems such as the water table, contamination, existing structures, substations and overhead high load cables. Repetition Repetition is a most effective way to speed up activities. This can involve the use of standardised components installed in the same way each time. For detail installation, repetition might mean standardising the grade of concrete everywhere on the project at 35 N/mm2, avoiding the additional management time of checking on each pour. Repetition might involve keeping an element to a constant dimension or position e.g. all lighting pendants are in the centre of every room, or extract vents are always 150 mm down from the ceiling. Standard modules Use of identical or standard modules speeds construction because it simplifies the checking of drawings, fabrication and installation. The principle can be applied by using a standard dense concrete block for all block work, or by employing standard air handling units in roof plant or standard toilet pods within the building Orientation The orientation of the project could dramatically affect the speed of construction. A project located some distance from the site access is likely to have more space available for off-loading facilities and storage. If the project structure is close to the access point, or obstructs or restricts access to the remainder of the site, then faster construction is likely to be more difficult. Configuration The mass, height or plan shape of a project will significantly affect the ease and speed of construction. While massed elements may speed construction, they may also obstruct the site and so slow progress. For example, large ductwork elements reduce the number of joint connections that need to be made and so reduce construction time. However, the greater size and length of the elements might hinder access and slow the process down. Prefabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation. Consider the potential of methods based on prefabrication; pre-assembly and modularisation. Environmental and sustainability issues Recognise the environmental and sustainability issues inherent in faster construction on site. It will probably be necessary to expend equal or more energy over a shorter period to achieve the same end-product earlier. The procedures should ensure that the materials used are sustainable.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Buildings :: essays research papers

to hold the concrete foundation above in place. The next obstacle in erecting a superskyscraper, and perhaps the biggest one, is wind. Tall buildings actually sway in the breeze, in much the same way that a diving board bends under the weight of a diver. Building an edifice that doesn't topple over in the wind is easy enough. The real challenge is keeping the structure so stiff that it doesn't swing too far, cracking partitions, shattering windows and making the upper occupants seasick. As a rule, the top of skyscraper should never drift more than 1/400 of its height at a wind velocity of 150 km/h. Older buildings, like the Empire State Building, were built so that their core withstood all bending stresses. But structural engineers have since found that by shifting the bracing and support to the perimeter of a building, it can better resist high winds. The most advanced buildings are constructed like a hollow tube, with thin, outer columns spaced tightly together and welded to broad horizontal beams. Toronto's First Canadian Place and New York's World Trade Center towers are all giant, framed tubes. A superskyscraper would undoubtedly need extra rigidity, which you could add by bracing its framework with giant diagonal beams. You'll see this at Chicago's John Hancock Center where the architect has incorporated diagonal braces right into the look of the building, exposing five huge X's on each side to public view. Alternatively, you might design your building like a broadcasting tower, and tie it to the ground with heavy, sloping guy wires extending from the four corners of the roof to the ground. A control mechanism at the end of each cable would act like a fishing reel, drawing in the cable whenever the sway of the building caused it to slacken. Tall buildings also encounter the problem of vortex shedding, a phenomenon that occurs as the wind swirls around the front corners of the building, forming a series of eddies or vortices. At certain wind speeds, these vortices vibrate the building, threatening to shake it apart. In New York City's Citicorp Center, engineers have tackled vortex shedding with a 400-tonne concrete block that slides around in a special room on one of the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Abe Lincoln was Americas 16th president. He had served from 1861-1865 he had a vice president his name was Hannibal Hamlin. He had supported the Republican Party. Which means he believed each person is responsible for his/her own rights in society. Abe was 52 at the start of his presidency. Abe had little to no knowledge of anything, but he had a very strong interest in books this is where he obtained most of his knowledge. So you could say that Abe was a self-taught man. When Abe was a kid he had a variety of jobs such as: a shopkeeper, a surveyor and postmaster. For a while he even chopped wood. After that he had started his place in the government. He won a seat in the Illinois legislature when he was 25. Abe served in Illinois for several terms when he had served in Illinois he had started to study to became a lawyer. He had ended up running for U.S congress. He eventually ended up winning the seat. Abe served as a congressman for one term. A term is approximately 2 years. He tried to run for senate. Abe did not win. When he did run though his concern for slavery caught some people’s attention. In 1860 Abe ran for president. He was fairly new in the Republican Party which back then had a meaning that the northern states didn’t allow any states to succeed from the US. Or in other words leave the country and form there own. They were also against slavery. Abe was inaugurated in 1861which means he became president. The southern states did not want Abe to be president. Abe didn’t want slavery so all the southern states were getting mad because slaves could go to the north and be free. Before Abe officially became president the southern states began to succeed. The first to leave was South Carolina. Soon 6 more would leave ... ...d been bumped to General-in-chief of the whole union army. Grant led the union army against Robert E. Lee in Virginia. The both of them battled for over a year with grant winning over Lee in Virginia ion April 9th 1865 Grant offered some generouse terms for the confederate army so that they did completely destroy the south and there army. When Grant took office his popularity becamne more thatn ever before but when he tried to rin for his third term he was accused that his whole presidency was a scandal. Many of the people in his administration had stolen from the gaverment. After he didn’t win his third term he decied he should travel the world and meet all the countries leaders. Upon returning he tried to run for offcice again but was unsuccessful. So he started to write an auto biography. He later had died of throat cancer due to smoking cigars his whole life.

Fairy Tale Icons in Morrisons Tar Baby and Monteros Te Tratare como a

Deconstructing Fairy Tale Icons in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby and Rosa Montero's Te Tratare como a una reina ABSTRACT In this study I will examine how, from a feminist perspective, both Toni Morrison's fourth African-American novel, Tar Baby (1981), and Rosa Montero's third post-Franco Spanish novel, Te tratarà © como a una reina (1983), explore the problems that arise when women believe that they are the stereotypes permeating literature. Both women writers employ similar techniques that subvert and deconstruct the stereotypical roles of men and women, unveiling the fairy tale icons of the heroine and the hero that have been masquerading as "real" people. ESSAY Day and night are mingled in our gazesÃ…   If we divide light from night, we give up the lightness of our mixtureÃ…   We put ourselves into water tight compartments, break ourselves up into parts, cut ourselves in twoÃ…   we are always one and the other, at the same time. -Luce Irigaray1 In 1975 the death of Franco and forty years of dictatorship and censorship offered Spanish women the freedom to reexamine their identity and question their role in a patriarchal society. At the same time on another continent, African-American women are also struggling to find their identity among the numerous American literary images that, until the 20th-century, had not realistically represented their gender or race. Notwithstanding the different histories, geographies, and ethnicities between African-American and Spanish women, a common thread that appears to bind them is their inheritance of a legacy of struggle against the internalization of controlling patriarchal perceptions and images of women that lead them to believe that they are, indeed, the stereoty... ...997. Montero, Rosa. Te tratarà © como a una reina. 1983. Barcelona: Seix Barral. 1990. Morrison, Toni. Tar Baby. 1981.New York: Plume, 1982. NOTES 1 Luce Irigaray, This Sex Which Is Not One (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985) 217. 2 Critics have noted that what I call "multiple interpretations" and binary oppositions are characteristic of Morrison's works. 3 Trudier Harris, Fiction and Folklore: The Novels of Toni Morrison (Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1991) 116. 4 On the Sea Bird II he thinks of "women" (6), later with the same contextual references he thinks of "fat black ladies" (119). 5 This and all subsequent translations are mine. 6 Racial stereotyping, also defined in fairy tale motifs, suggest that Son is a "frog" when his African-American hair is in its natural state and a "prince" when he conforms to the grooming norms of the white culture.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

.Northwest Airlines Essay

1).Northwest Airlines applied mathematical models to determine which customers in its database were currently responsible for most of its profitability and which customers were not currently profitable but had similar characteristics to the most profitable customers. Northwest Airlines utilized _____ to identify these customers. 2) Minute Maid sees research as the fundamental first step in any business decision, and it created proprietary methods for conducting research. At what level of the hierarchy of business decision makers does Minute Maid operate 3) Which of the following questions is considered first when discussing a management dilemma 4) The goal of ethics in research is to _____. 5) _____ occurs when the participants are told only part of the truth or when the truth is fully compromised. 6) The process of stating the basic dilemma and then developing other questions by progressively breaking down the original question into more specific ones is called the _____. 7) The fun damental weakness in the research process is _____. 8) Which type of management question asks what do we want to achieve 9) In the Southeast, the potato chip market share held by the Lays brand is 46. This is an example of _____. 10) An increase in hours of television viewing leads to increases in the sales of snack foods. This is an example of a _____. 11) To be categorized as a customer, an individual must have a history of shopping at the establishment at least twice before the start of the study with expenditures of more than 10. RES/351 Final Exam. This is an example of _____. 12) James is entering data on client gender. Because the values entered reflect male or female, this variable is _____. 13) Which variable in an experiment is the variable expected to be affected by the manipulation 14) Qualitative research seeks to _____ theory while quantitative research _____ it. 15) Which of the following is true of quantitative research 16) The use of a control group in experimentation _____. 17) What is the first step in conducting an experiment 18) Data originating from studies that are conducted by others and created for a purpose different from the purpose of the study for which the data are being reviewed are called _____ data. Res 351 final exam 19) The goal of a formal study is to _____. 20) A _____ scale is a scale that scores an object or property without making a direct comparison to another object or property. 21).What type of data is produced by simple category scales

Friday, August 16, 2019

Reply to the forum about rude behavior in the Society Essay

Rudeness is very much prevalent in every aspect of the society. Illiterate people and even those professionals and students are infected by the behavior of rudeness. Often times, rudeness is tolerated that is why instead of eradicating it, situations linked to it only get worse. It is slowly becoming a trend but of course, not all trends are good and should be followed. The factors that were given in the post do influence the spread of rudeness. These factors from the environment weaken the foundation of a person’s good character. Aside from the elements of a busy and secluded lifestyle and broken families, more factors that trigger rudeness include the media, technology and lack of moral obligation. The media takes part on catering thoughts of rudeness to the societies. A celebrity who has bad behavior and got away with it is one illustration that rudeness can be considered as a so-so action. Thus, there is lack of moral obligation in every wrong action that was done. The technology provides materials of rudeness through videos or simple pranks on a television show. Lack of moral obligation is also related to an environment of a broken family. If there is no discipline at home, the child or the teenager can adopt the same behavior when he is at school. For example, if the child is impatient, he cannot wait in line when at the school canteen. Hence, he will show behavior of irritability and may go in front of the line instead of waiting for his turn. Slight rudeness can be treated as poor etiquette. Still, it is classified under the category of rudeness. Instances of poor etiquettes will surely develop into rudeness. On the other hand, there is the question on whether rudeness is dependent on how the person handles its influences. A person can be exposed to negative influences but can still manage to have a good behavior. In order to do that, he must have a strong core of values that can help him ward off the factors of rudeness. As for someone who is already rude, there is always the possibility that he will learn his lessons, probably the hard way to realize that rudeness is not acceptable in the society. References: DBSR. (2009, December 10). Why Have We Evolved Into Such a Rude Society?. Retrieved May 24, 2010, from http://dontbesorude. com/2009/12/why-have-we-evolved-into-such-a- rude- society/

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Difference Between Gdp, Gnp and Nnp

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a year or a given time period within a country’s borders (domestic output). This includes all production, both material and intellectual, everything produced by government and private business as well as consumer goods and capital construction. Gross national product (GNP) is the total income earned by a country’s factors of production in a year or a given time period, regardless of where assets are located (nations' output).Net national product (NNP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by residents in a country during a given time period. The difference between GDP and GNP is the net foreign income (NFI), which is the difference between factor payments received from the foreign sector by domestic citizens and factor payments made to foreign citizens for domestic production. The â€Å"gross† in GDP and GNP indicates that there is no allowance for depreciation (capital consumption), value lost that occurs to inventory while it sits before being sold or consumed or the amount of capital resources used up in the production process.That is the difference between GDP and NNP. Depreciation (DP) is a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time, due to wear and tear. It can include consumption of goods in the production of other goods or services. Examples are the wear and tear that occurs with capital equipment such as machinery, transportation vehicles, office equipment and tools (all of these items eventually wear down and need to be replaced), accidental damage, obsolescence or retirement of capital assets. GDP is most commonly calculated by the expenditure method.It is done by adding consumer expenditure (C) + firm’s investments (I) + government spending (G) + exports minus imports (X-M). GNP is calculated by taking GDP + net property income from abroad (NFI). NNP is calculated b y taking GNP – DP. For example, if a Chinese company operates and earn profits in Australia, the income is included in Australia’s GDP but not China’s GDP. This is because the production took place in Australia. However, the profits earned are included in China’s GNP but not Australia’s GNP.This is because China owns the assets. There is also nominal GDP, which is today’s output at today’s prices and real GDP, today’s output at base-year prices. To calculate real GDP, we take the nominal GDP, use a ‘GDP deflator’ and adjust it for inflation. Inflation is the sustained increase in overall level of prices. This will overstate the value of GDP even if there has not been any increase in economic activity. The GDP deflator is a price index, which includes all good and services, rather than just consumer goods and services.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Psychology in a Prayer for Owen Meany Essay

Thoroughly leading up until the climactic ending in A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving explains to his readers just how important it is to Owen Meany to fulfill his duties and obligations to God. Like a hobbit traveling to Mt. Doom in Mordor, he is determined and dedicated more than anyone in the novel to achieve his goals, despite his responsibilities and, what should be, his major concerns in his life. Owen completely envelopes himself in the fact that he is an instrument used by God, and doesn’t even stop to think to realize and remember his loved ones, whom are Hester, his love struck girlfriend, and John, his best friend who has been with him through thick and thin ever since they were children. It is bittersweet, I suppose, about the choices he ultimately ends up making until the end. On one hand he will miss out on the opportunities he can easily obtain through attending Harvard and making a life for himself with his most important people by his side (Hester and John); on the other hand, however, by choosing to follow God’s calling for his life, he will conclusively act upon the happening that impacts the ending of the novel altogether. Owen, as one finds out throughout the novel, is excessively brilliant, surpassing the intelligence of other people his age by far. Tabitha Wheelwright acknowledges this special gift in Owen insisting that he attend Gravesend Academy, where his brilliance be put to good use. It turns out that it was, for Owen ends up being the best student at the Academy, which almost guarantees him the ability to attend Harvard to now receive the best college education possible, but certain setbacks keep him from doing so. His careless mistake of getting caught making fake IDs for other students opens the door for the principle to seize at the opportunity to expel Owen, which severely hurts his chances to get into any worthwhile colleges. But with this, Owen understands that his purpose must lie elsewhere, because nothing happens for no reason. Even before this incident occurs, he knows his death will be undeniable for it is a part of God’s plan for him, and that â€Å"the shot† is involved in this future incident. Owen’s responsibilities to his education is nothing, however, compared to the conflicting feelings Hester and John feel about Owen’s prophecies and predictions about his death. â€Å"Owen knows that he must sacrifice his life to save others, both physically and spiritually (Rosefeldt, 1). Following this, he joins the army to go to Vietnam in an attempt to seal his fate as he believes God wants him to do. Hester practically resents Owen for his stubbornness in doing this, placing that as more important, his passion, in front of her, his implied â€Å"responsibility. † After his death, Hester becomes a hard rock sex icon in the music world in a ways to cope, and John completely unaware how he will now live his life, for Owen was always such a compass in his life, that he feels helpless without him. Owen’s obsession with his passion has completely blinded him to the fact that his responsibilities, the ones that care about him the most, need him the most, but even with them he puts his God given goals first, as always. Lastly, toward the end of the novel, Owen’s only, and I mean that literally, thing on his mind, is fulfilling his purpose, which he ends up doing in the chapter â€Å"the shot† where he sacrifices himself, as Jesus Christ did for the world, for the sake of the Vietnamese orphan children. â€Å"When Owen Meany said ‘READY? ’ I figured we had about two seconds left to live. But he soared far above my arms-when I lifted him, he soared even higher than usual; he wasn’t taking any chances. He went straight up, never turning to face me, and instead of merely dropping the grenade and leaving it on the window ledge, he caught hold of the ledge with both hands, pinning the grenade against the ledge and trapping it there safely with his hands and forearms. He wanted to be sure that the grenade couldn’t roll off the ledge and fall back in the room (Irving, 623-624). † Here Owen proves the symbolism for the concept of sacrifice, and just how much of a Christ-like figure he is, practically mirroring Christ’s life. From the mysterious secret revealed that Owen is actually from a virgin birth, to the sacrifice he makes for the sake of others, this mirror image is quite apparent. From the start Owen knew he would become a hero for those in need of one, and his lifelong passion for it is finally is proved to be worthwhile in the final chapter. Owen Meany has to be one of the most admirable characters in any novel ever written by the fact that once he sets his mind to something, there is absolutely no changing it by any means. Regardless of his loved ones, he new this is what he had to do, and did not want to disrupt God’s plans that He had for him. He knew being a sacrifice as well as a hero to others was his fate, and he learned long ago fate is not something to be messed with. This also reveals just how similar God and Owen are to each other, and how each other’s lives are identical in almost all means- they are selfless, and just want to prove to others, as well as themselves, tha t their purpose on this earth is put too tremendous use, despite the clashes with the outcome of their responsibilities.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Affects of the cycle of poverty on children in Victorian England Research Paper

Affects of the cycle of poverty on children in Victorian England - Research Paper Example In the play viewers come across the topic of confrontation between working class and bourgeoisie. In order to understand the depth of these processes it is necessary to resort to Marxist criticism. Thus, Marxist approach is based on the idea that it is necessary to equate different social classes, or in other words – to empower lower class. Working class is considered to be on the bottom of the society, while the authorities are referred to as those who control all the aspects of social life. Marxist criticism refuses from such a position. According to its principles, the control over economic, financial, and cultural life should first and foremost belong to working class. Viewers may observe characters of the play attempting to rebel against social realities. Thus, social inequality is one of the most acute and challenging issues of the Victorian era. Toby Ragg, Todd’s apprentice, and Sweeney Todd himself may be seen as representatives of the lower class, while Judge Turnip represents the ruling class. It is possible to see that lower class is morally opposed to the higher class. Thus, Judge Turnip represents evil. It is difficult to say that Toby represents goodness, though partially he does. This is just an innocent child who becomes a victim of circumstances. Toby is too weak to resist the flow of life. His biography may illustrate this. This is an orphan, hired by Mrs. Lovett  after his previous employer was murdered by Todd. Very soon the boy becomes deeply attached to Mrs. Lovett – he accepts her as his surrogate mother. Todd’s business is flourishing, which means that Toby is not hungry and has a roof over his head. A lot of children of the Victorian era could be envious with him. However, his life changes soon. Todd and Mrs. Lovett start hunting for him as he discovers their secret. Toby is shocked and astonished with atrocities Todd has

Monday, August 12, 2019

Seven Birds for Seven Brothers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seven Birds for Seven Brothers - Essay Example 3. From the musical, gender relations have been demonstrated in the movie where the females are expected to be well-behaved. The girls were expected to be good cooks and carry themselves with dignity. Males, on the other hand, are expected to be hard working and provider in the family. The setting of this musical shows â€Å"man’s world†. For instance, Fred Bixby owns store while his wife works with him. Milly works in a local bar where she is expected clean after the customers. 4. The clips on youtube of the Seven Brides for Seven Brothers have captured the spirit of the original movie to the extent where they create a clear picture of the original film. The musical numbers used are appropriate for the scenes. The filmed musical uses location and beautiful scenery to try and bring out which would be impossible in a live musical. 5. My favorite musical number is Bless Yore Beautiful Hide. It talks of what kind a wife, Adam. The song brings out the qualities of a woman Adam would like. From the song, one can tell the performer is looking for a wife to

Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders Term Paper

Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders - Term Paper Example Moreover, Thompson 2008 posits that a major factor in the incident of bulimia is low self-esteem. In their attempt to secure the approval of others they hide their true feelings, thus, food develops into their main supply of comfort. Thompson also notes that Bulimics are different to the anorexic individual in that they recognize that they have a problem and request help. Compulsive eating appears to be on the other extreme of anorexia and bulimia because entails unmanageable eating and hence results in an increase in weight. Food is used as a means of hiding from reality and covering a plethora of problems. Both the bulimic and the compulsive overeater are aware that they have a problem; however, the bulimic attempts purging to solve any weight gain whilst the compulsive overeater attempts to diet. It is this dieting that opens a can of worms. The more the compulsive overeater attempt to diet the more they binge. Binge eating results in the compulsive overeater feeling powerless, us eless and guilty hence, Thompson 2008 argues that dieting and bingeing may go on forever unless the reason for the emotional upheaval is resolved. One specific factor in the onslaught of compulsive eating from childhood is the inability to manage stressful situations. Food was used as a major source of stress management. Consequently, fat may be considered a means of hiding from the world. This particularly occurs in individuals who were sexually abused. Â  Interestingly, researchers have found there to be more male overeaters than females.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Molecular Mechanisms of Atrial Fibrillation Essay

Molecular Mechanisms of Atrial Fibrillation - Essay Example Progression in the studies of genetics and molecular biology would assist in dealing with this disease in a better way. Recently studies by Chelu et al (2009) have brought into light the fact that differences in the ionic (mainly Ca 2+) current flow are responsible for causing AF and turning it into a chronic condition. As Brugada points out â€Å"Research efforts to elucidate the molecular basis of AF are focused into two main areas: human genetics and alterations in genetic expression of ion channels† (Brugada, Is Atrial fibrillation a genetic disease?: Molecular Mechanisms in Arial fibrillation). The beating of the heart muscles, according to research, is strictly controlled by a procedure known as ‘Ca 2+ induced Ca 2+ release’. Here we find that the number of Ca ions that are entering through the Cav. 1.2 which is the L type voltage gated Ca ion channel helps in the increase of the release of more Ca ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum through the intracellular Ca 2+ channels (ryanodine receptor type 2 or RyR2). This influx and release of Ca ions are strictly regulated by the heart muscles for the controlled beating of heart. In AF, where the atria beats rapidly, this rapid beating of the heart leads to production of more Ca ions or Calmodulin- dependent protein kinase II ( CaMKII) phosphorylation of the RyR2. In AF conditions it has also been noticed that L type voltage gated Ca ion channels show a decrease in its amplitude, so it has been deduced that this release of the Ca ions may be due to enhanced functioning of RyR2 channels. There are many reasons as t o why the RyR2 channels may function differently. Earlier it was seen in researches conducted on dogs showing AF conditions, that RyR2 channels remained open in cases having low cystolic Ca ion presence. Another reason as Vest, et al, tells us from his experiments into molecular mechanisms that â€Å"SR Ca2+  leak due to RyR2

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Use of Documentary Film as Historical Recollection Essay

The Use of Documentary Film as Historical Recollection - Essay Example This paper approves that the skeletal figures of the walking-dead survivors, some so weak that liberation has come too late for them, though they are not yet dead. These are the images that do not appear in Marzynski’s documentary, but those which, if he has been successful, the viewer will seek to further understand the history of, and will, through investigation of the events, find on their own. This report makes a conclusion that the use of film documentaries as a tool by which to further inform an audience, and to serve as a permanent historical record of events, is a valid and reliable tool for accomplishing those goals. In the case of Marzynski’s documentary, it opens during the cold months of fall or early winter, and this important to the film because it conveys the environmental coldness of Germany. Marzynskis uses that coldness to help make his points, points with which he is concerned; that the Holocaust memorial will be a cold and unwelcoming place that will cause people to avoid it, and that it took an unequaled coldness of heart – like the weather – for the German people to allow the murder of six million Jews. Also, to emphasize that there remains an element of â€Å"coldness† in the hearts of many Germans today. Marzynski emphasizes this when, during filming of the site where the memorial will be constructed, the filming is interrupt ed by a German security officer who says the proper licensure has not been obtained to film the documentary there.

Friday, August 9, 2019

An analysis of the positive and negative economic impacts of Heathrow Essay

An analysis of the positive and negative economic impacts of Heathrow Airport - Essay Example This paper is a report that mainly sought to identify the economic impact of the London Heathrow Airport, which was classified in this study as a tourism venue/ organization Airport is considered as a location where aircrafts of varying sizes and types take off and land thereby acting as a stage for alighting and boarding aircrafts for passengers as well as the aircraft crew. Airport is a tourism venue/organization because it is the first and/ or last place that visitors pass through at a foreign destination. The London Heathrow Airport is touted as the busiest airport in Europe with a very big passenger capacity. This fact has positioned London as an international financial center with an economy that runs on a 24 hours basis and businesses are supported by demand from the many passengers who are departing or entering the region via the Airport. However, the increase in demand arising from passengers has led to the creation of an artificial inflation within London The main direct economic impact of the airport is that it acts as a major source of tax revenue to London local authorities and overall UK budget. The indirect positive impact of the airport is that it provides a ready market for other businesses enterprises that are located within the airport or in adjacent areas. The direct negative positive impact of the airport is that it facilitates that development of artificial inflation while the indirect negative impact is that it reduces the suitability of London as international center for doing business. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 The positive economic impacts of the London Heathrow Airport 4 2.1 Direct positive economic impacts 4 2.2 Indirect positive economic impacts 6 3.0 The negative economic impacts of the London Heathrow Airport 7 3.1 Direct negative economic impacts 8 3.2 Indirect negative economic impacts 9 4.0 Conclusions 10 References 11 Inkson, C. and Minnaert, L. 2012. Tourism Management: An Introduction. London, UK: Sage Publications 12 1.0 Introduction This present paper is a report that is entirely focused on analyzing a hospitality venue or organization and the economic impact of the venue/ organization. For this particular, report, the London’s Heathrow Airport was selected as the case study and therefore, this report seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of the economic impact of the airport, both the positive and the negative. It is important to note that the discussion of the economic impact would not be limited to the tourism perspective but rather the discussion will cover the general economy of the United Kingdom as well as the local economy of the City of London. Therefore, the report will have two major sections of which the first will detail on the positive economic impact of the London Heathrow Airport while the Second part will cover the negative impacts. However, briefly before the start, the report will provide brief background information of the chosen tourism venue/ organization. To begin with, Graham (2008) in his studies described an airport as a location where aircrafts of varying sizes and types take off and land thereby acting as a stage for alighting and boarding aircrafts for passengers as well as the aircraft crew. Tribe (2012) wrote that an airport is considered as a tourism venue/ organization because it is the first and/ or last place that visitors pass through at a foreign destination. The London Heathrow Airport is located in the London Borough of Hillingdon, which is in the western side of Londo n. Inkson and Minnaert (2012) in their writings referred to the London Heathrow Airport as the busiest airport in the United Kingdom as well as the entire Europe and the third busiest in the world in terms of the passenger traffic in the airport. Hoare (1971) added that the airport is owned and managed by the Heathrow Airport Holdings that also owns three other airports in the United Kingdom. The airport acts as the primary hub for British Airways and the primary operating location for the Virgin Atlantic. In order to handle all the passenger traffics and the movements, the Airport has 5 terminals each serving aircrafts bound to or arriving from different routes. Among the top busiest international routes to and from the airport is led by New York, followed by Dubai, Dublin, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam. The busiest domestic routes include the

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Module Four Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Module Four Assignment - Essay Example Further examination would provide the benefit of the doubt and confidence for the company in order to prevent unscrupulous steps toward hasty accusations and figure if reasonable grounds exist in justifying the case whether under Laura’s favor or otherwise. Additionally, Jeremy should consider having to consult the organization’s policies and seek counsel of the knowledgeable administration in the presence of all appropriate documents consisting of solid evidences which either confirm or nullify the deed in direct reference to falsification of employment information. Regardless of Laura’s current traits and working performance as an employee, however, Jeremy must keep in mind that in any context, both intention and action of an applicant to falsify his or her personal information duly agreed and signed to be disclosed under legal professional requirements by the employer is a grave offense. It should be understood to full measure as well that prevailing work conditions that take into account Laura’s remarkable professional attributes are by no means related to any mild or heavy offense committed by her during the stage of application. As a consequence, Jeremy ought to express in all honesty to Laura the truth regarding the company’s right to dismiss any employee found to have advanced deception and serious dishonesty on purpose. Breaking it slowly to her, Jeremy may first opt to establish a hint from which to initiate the conference with Laura so that the latter comes into a gradual and rational discernment of the delicate situation rather than struggle with the moment of abrupt revelation. Eventually, this gives opportunity for Laura to explain her side of the incident and realize in the process the gravity of her fault that deserves the equivalent sanction of dismissal from work. On the other hand, Jeremy must not fail to communicate to Laura how the company has

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Climate Change Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Climate Change Article - Essay Example In so doing, the media is able to punch holes to the ‘facts’ about climate change. However, through research and climate studies, the effects of climate change have been evident, this means more sensitization is required based on appeal to their reasoning and logic. There are many facts that have been put forth by scientists concerning the status of climate change across the world. Clearly, one can be able to identify some of the effects of climate change. In a debate with CNN hosts during an interview, Bill Nye highlighted that scientific facts have clearly shown that the menace of climate change and the subsequent global warming is a reality. However, it seems that the media has heavily relied on the statistics that they think emanate from the American citizens. While the citizens may be wrong, it is clear that the sensitization on the detrimental effects of climate change has not reached the Americans or they are not convinced by the scientist’s prepositions. Public awareness of facts on climate change is not tantamount to the inexistence of the facts. CNN hosts relied on research that only shows the state of public awareness and perception. This is a biased view because individuals are not able to understand the scenario during the old days; scientists are able to create a scenario where the past and the present are used to predict the future. Therefore, making a conclusion that climate change is not a major issue is not ideally correct. Bill Nye is also shadow in the presentation of the scientific facts. While the CNN hosts are able to point to statistics about climate change based on the Americans’ perceptions, Bill is obliged to support his climate change advocacy with facts. The reason why facts should be used is because they are able to appeal to the logic of the hosts and the viewers. In so doing, the viewers and hosts can be able to

Differentiating Between Market Structures Essay Example for Free

Differentiating Between Market Structures Essay WP is a refrigeration case company and their goal is to create value for its customers. They are dedicated to lead the industry towards sustainability by providing energy efficiency and sustainability of their operation as well as the product they provide to their customers. WP vision is to use their knowledge and resources to improve the current economic conditions. They began in New Jersey searching for a solution to a problem. They have a mission to provide industry –leading solutions that can help their customers stay competitive in their market. WP has an amazing time-line since they opened in 1887. In 1977, WP opened up the Engineered Systems division in Georgia. Through acquisitions since 2009, they now have eight locations and plan to acquire more companies in the future. This paper will indicate what type of market structure WP competes and why the market structure was decided upon. It will also show how the market structure differentiates from any other alternatives. WP manufacturer refrigeration and specialty cases based on their customers want and needs. They also cater to the aftermarket sector in order to provide fresh ideas and parts in order to serve their customers better. WP has increased their market shares by creating innovative products that cannot be found at any other competitor. They listen to their customers and utilize their knowledge and resources to manufacturer exquisite cases for the retail grocer. It is important to WP that their customers know how they are an intricate part of their business. Maintaining the leader in the industry by providing innovative products continue to attract more grocery store owners to their business. With the increase in exposure, creates higher sales, which, will lead to overall increase in profits margins. A supply chain group (STARS) was developed to create alliance partnerships between the customers, suppliers, and various departments at WP. The STARS group has years of success in increasing the supplier and customer alliances. WP has a monopolistic competition market structure. Monopolistic competition is  sellers of a product sell similar profiles but makes it somewhat different and take less emphasis on the price. The various companies decide on their own pricing structure of the product there are selling and the output of that product. The price is based on the current market and the cost to product the product. There can be many producers of the product because no one company has total control over the market place. There are few barriers to entry. Some include capital, as there is the need to have capital order to start up the business. In addition, there is inelastic demand, which means their strategy to penetrate the market by selling at a lower price than their competitors sell. Finally, another barrier to entry is economy of scale, which is the increase in efficiency of production as the number of cases being produced increases. Advance technology can affect the cost advantages as they can reverse as quickly as technology changes. Competitive strategy is how a business competes in the market that they are in. WP competitive strategy includes product differentiation, control cost, technology, and maintain market shares. WP differentiates between their products versus their competitors because they provide outstanding quality cases built with quality-inspected parts. They also provide outstanding field service support to their customers, which enable WP to charge a higher price in order for them to maximize their profits. Another competitive strategy is controlling cost. By controlling the cost, WP is able to minimize their loss. They control their cost by creating alliance partnerships with their suppliers with agreements set into place so that cost stay consistent. Pricing is not able to increase unless if reaches an agreed upon threshold, then and only then are the suppliers allowed changing their price annually. This allows WP to maximize their cost by keeping the cost down and not passing along price increa ses to their customers as material cost increase. In a bad economy is become even hard to maintain market shares. WP motto is to â€Å"never say no to our customers†. They never let a customer go. In order to keep the customer happy, WP provides a four to six week lead-time to their customers compared to the industry standard of eight weeks. Custom color matching makes WP a specialty center in which a customer can see a color and describe it to them in order to have that same exact look in their stores. Technology changes every day. In order  to keep up with the growing technology, WP has a large marketing team and IT department. They are constantly researching trends and what drives consumers to shop in the grocery stores. Fresh foods and lighting are a few triggers to a consumers loyalty to a store so WP developed a website to market their products to be more energy efficient and provide cases that will keep the freshness in. The website show the various types of cases available and the total fan color charts to pick from. Internet is today’s way of communicating and customers do not want to take time to pick up the phone. They want to research on-line first to see if what is offered a potential product for their store. It is the only way to touch the customer interest the fastest. WP also participates in yearly shows to allow hands on changes to technology and trends in the market place. WP might want to consider branding as additional strategies in their organization in order to maximize their profits before their product hits the road; there are quality inspections and testing done. To ensure that they stay number one in market position as well as staying in a competitive market, WP should put their name on all cases. This will put their name out in the market. Branding of their product needs to large enough for anyone to see that WP manufactured this case and that they care about moving into the future with energy efficient product. If needs to differentiate between them and their competitors so that there is no mistaken identity of the manufacturer contact information. References Merriam-Webster (2014) Monopolistic Competition. Retrieved on February 1, 2014 from