Thursday, August 1, 2019

Consumer Preference of Brighton & Hove Teenagers on Organic Food Essay

There have been many studies investigating the influences on consumer purchasing and consumption of organic foods. It has a Journal of the Human Environment that argues that parts of researches have frequently taken the form of asking consumers directly about their reasons for purchase or nonpurchase of organic foods rather than seeking which types of beliefs and attitudes are actually related to purchase or consumption. (Shepherd, Magnusson, & Sjoden, 2005) In recent year, other researchers have examined what beliefs and attitudes predict consumption. (Shepherd, Government office for Science, 2011) In several studies, a majority of the customers have a preference for and an interest in organic food. However, â€Å"the proportion of regular purchasers of organic food is low†. (Shepherd, Magnusson, & Sjoden, 2005) So, this phenomenon showed a discrepancy between consumers’ attitudes and behavior, which is most of Consumers’ attitude are positively for organic foods, but not often to buy them. It seems the consumers not have a concerned the organic foods become an important purchase criterion. Since the 1920’s, the organic food has first appeared in Europe. (Baourakis, 2004) Until now, even the organic foods not take big market share, but in recent years, according to the British Food Standards Agency said ‘identifies the role that organic food plays in providing choice for customer. ’ (Food Standards Agency, 2011) Lampkin & Padel (1994, cited in Baourakis, 2004) researched that consumer demand for organic food increased rapidly, thus, the number of famers increased reasonably, this phenomenon is not only in Europe, but also is in the United States. Problem Statement The problem to be explored is the purchase behavior of teenagers toward organic food in Brighton & Hove. As mentioned before, the sales of organic food are increasing in UK. Nevertheless, Non-organic food still dominates in the food market. In addition, while there has some consumers who are already familiar and know with the organic food. It still has many consumers who are not yet know about them. Because of organic food produced without using any artificial chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers, which is better and fresher taste than other nonorganic foods. (Georgiou, 2002) There are different reasons why consumers tend to prefer to buy organic food. To discover the teenagers of Brighton & Hove behavior on organic food, these are some of the variables that will be taken into account when do the research, which can separate to extrinsic factors and internal factors. External factors are environment influence, like education level influence, cultural influence, and family influence. Internal factors are product attributes, which are benefits of organic food, like environmentally friendliness, good for animal welfare, taste good and personal health. These may influence consumer buying decision. Research aims and objectives This research aims to explore teenagers’ behavior of Brighton & Hove on organic food consumption in their daily life. This research will provide richer and deeper understanding of teenagers’ preference on organic foods and work to specific ages, thus the levels of education and collect the information about why they care about organic food. These research questions to be answered are: †¢Do the teenagers like to buy organic food in Brighton & Hove? †¢Do the teenagers choose organic food influenced by environment (i.e. education level, cultural influence or family influence) in Brighton & Hove? †¢What causes the teenagers care about organic food (i. e. the environment concern, animal welfare, personal health, taste) in Brighton & Hove? In this particular case, it becomes more interesting to be more the teenager maybe will be influence by place cultural. Because Brighton & Hove are famous resort which near the sea. Brighton and Hove is the UK’s healthiest city that reason is its residents’ lifestyles, such as cycling to work, do yoga practice, and eating green food according to a study for Sky Travel. (University of sussex, 2010) The intention explore is the future development of organic food in Brighton & Hove by asking questions and interview. This paper will propose use deductive way for research on specific consumer behavior on organic foods in Brighton & Hove. Anticipated contributions Organic food is green food, these benefits lead to the market share of food were influenced, so, this academic research discuss about purchase behavior of teenagers on organic food consumption in Brighton & Hove. Because teenager is our future, from their behavior, we can see the organic food development of Brighton & Hove in next 50 years. Until now, it has some research about customer behavior on organic food, however, since there is lack of data for specific group people, like teenager. In this case, Kardes, Cronley, & Cline argued that one of the contributions for study consumer behavior is that educate consumers and help them to make a better decision, also can understand make products for consumers actually needed and wanted. This becomes a marketing strategy, this research proposal discovers and satisfies customer needs and wants effectively and beneficial manner, while profiting the long-term interests for business. (Kardes, Cronley, & Cline, 2011) Also this research proposal will investigate customer behavior information by primary research and secondary information, analysis the consumer’s performance, which showed the market tendency and understand the rival. It can help companies can get the market share of organic food in the future. Brief Review of Literature Wright & Crea (2007) pointed that the UK organic food market rise approximately 10% annually with a value of 2 billion dollars, already become third largest in the world. According government statistics, the multiple supermarket retailers accounted for the major marketing share to the consumer with approximately 73 % of sales. The independent retailers and parts of farmers accounted for consumer 27 % of sales. The box schemes and internet order made up 8 percent. (dardni, 2010) Base on data, organic food is preferred by all age groups because of its health friendly benefits. These contained old people, adults and children. According to statistics, 70 % of the costumers are women, while 30 % are men. 57. 3 % of organic food consumers have job, while 23. 2 % do not have job. (Damin, 2011) Food standards Agency demonstrates that to eat â€Å"organic food is a way to decrease consumption of pesticide residues and additives. † (Food Standards Agency, 2011) Organic procurement reflects consumers are not only care about economic, but also concern with food production link to personal, social and environmental effect. (The Open University, 2006) Lockie argues that no artificial chemicals is one of the key point cause the sale growth of organic product around the world, which reflects people are more interested in personal health and family health, also care about the animal welfare, tradition, environmental protection, food traceability and sustainability. (Lockie, 2006) Food Standards Agency, â€Å"if they think they’re buying food with extra nutritional quality or extra safety. † (Food Standards Agency, 2011)) Stringer and Dennis argued that in UK recent research showed 21 percent of housewives ranked taste over other facts in what they ate in 1998s, while 14 percent of housewives because of health concern for their family and themselves in 1998s. (Stringer & Dennis, 2000) According to ACNielsen research, the consumption of organic baby food jumped about 16 percent over the year before in 2005, it nearly double increasing of total organic food consumption. (Working Mother, 2006) In 2008, the Ferrell and Pride searched the mother behavior and investigate the age range from 25 to 40, are more prefer to buy organic food or clothing for their children no matter what their income. (Pride & Ferrell, 2008) Mamatha & Sarada revealed that child rights attitudes and participation in activities were influenced by their mother. (Mamatha & Sarada, 2009) Brozina argued that culture can influence the consumers’ motives for organic food consumption. (Brozina, 2009) Samli argued that consumer behavior was influenced by social class, which related to not only economic well-being, but also other factors, such as education, family background and occupation. Secondly, it influenced by hierarchy of needs, which is more likely to be observed as different degrees of economic development, culture, and social psychology. Thirdly, it influenced by interpersonal influences from group member, like social consumption phenomenon and consumer want to buy luxury make a good impression on others. Fourthly, it depends on affective influences, like emotion. At last, cognitive will be influence the consumers choice, which is how much they know about that product. (Samli, 1995) While consumer express positive perspective on organic food, but it is not likely to expand beyond this niche market in the future, the major reason is premium prices, unless low-input can be made recognisable to consumers. . (Oppapers, 2011) Handlechner argued that organic producers are still only occupying a niche market now. Nevertheless, organic food may be having a larger potential in the future. (Handlechner, 2008) Hypotheses Hypothesis1. I expect that the teenagers in Brighton & Hove may be having positive perspective on organic food due to Brighton & Hove is a healthiest city. Hypothesis 2: I expect that the teenagers in Brighton & Hove might concern about environment issue, animal welfare, and personal health, so they choose the organic food. Hypothesis 3: It is also my prediction that teenagers in Brighton & Hove may not interested in organic food due to they do not possess economic income. Hypothesis 4: Maybe they like to buy the organic foods, but for teenager are too expensive that they do not possess enough money to pay for them. Methodology This research adopted the deductive way because the aim proved by separate several research questions that mentioned earlier before. This research design is exploratory due to this research proposal intends to explore the teenagers’ behaviour on organic food through survey in Brighton & Hove. This study will consider descriptive because this proposal focus on survey the characteristic of certain group, teenagers. Accordingly, some writers in a journal demonstrated that descriptive study is the researchers are interested to survey a group such as education level, income, age or gender in some situations. (Kumar, Deb, Sinha, & Sinha, 2001) The research is also adopt cross sectional because of this study will study in a particular phenomenon and particular time. It has time limited. (Scribd, 2011) Research method Primary research This research can either be qualitative or quantitative. Nevertheless, quantitative research may cover a larger number of populations, which will give generalized statistics results by questionnaire. This qualitative research intends to collect an in-depth understanding of teenagers’ behaviour and the reasons why they have that behaviour. This qualitative research is a non-numerical data collection by interview. Moreover, the qualitative and quantities research method inquires the how and why of decision making by teenagers, not only where, when, what. So, this easy chooses these methods on this particular case studied in order to seek empirical support for this research hypothesis. This research proposal will base on quantitative research due to it will give statistical evidence of data, which can be summarize teenagers behaviour specifically. Questionnaire is my first choice. Concerning the print cost, the questionnaires will be surveyed through email in the internet. The questionnaires will include an introduction that gives clearly explanation of purpose of this study. Furthermore, the questionnaires also will include clearly instructions that give a well-guided to the teenagers. Moreover, it will give clearly question which is easy to teenagers. More specifically, writing the letter to school headmaster get the permission in Brighton & Hove. This questionnaire will be taken in the Junior high school and high school in 11th July 2011. This study will be randomly survey 1000 students in junior high school, 500 boys and 500 girls respectively. Other parts are 1000 students in high school, 500 boys and 500 girls. This will be more easily and faster when make analysis the data based on different education level and gender. Also, it will adopt anonymity, in order to keep the private information for teenager. This research proposal also will accord to qualitative research due to it will be get more detail with deeper conversational interview. It will not have predetermined questions are asked, because it can remain more open and adaptable get useful information due to nature and priorities of interview. It can directly get the exactly information for this research. More specifically, the interview will be taking at the school supermarket in Brighton & Hove in 19th July 2011. More closely interview the staffs in supermarket in order to understand teenagers’ behaviour by real consumption. Moreover, the interview will be doing at teenagers’ home in 30th July 2011 and in order to have chance to understand their behaviour by face to face talking. It wills choice 10 families in high school, 10 families in junior high school. It could be though this interview can prove whether the teenager preference on organic foods influenced by their family background and mother. Secondary research â€Å"The value of using the secondary data for market research has been substantial throughout history, continues today, and promises to grow in the future. † (Patzer, 1995) Secondary research contains the collation, brief and synthesis of existing research that data is already done by government, company, organization or personal. When this research proposal chooses the secondary data source, it would be have a critical thinking and concern the academic source. Government research data is the good choice for this research. Moreover, Base on the books and journals, summarize others studies and result. It will filter information and get the clearly results. Another research approach would be reputation organization and news website. What is more, May be I can get record data form staff in school supermarket, for instance, it could be get the sales of every year or month in the school. Using the other cities’ secondary data compare with the primary data in Brighton & Hove in order to know whether the Brighton & Hove culture will influence the teenager behaviour on organic foods. Data Analysis â€Å"Thematic analysis focuses on identifiable themes and patterns of living or behaviour. † (Aronson, 1994) So in this case, the thematic analysis will be used to gather data and analyze them in interview. Moreover, another analysis is the content analysis, which will use in the interview, too. The questionnaire will be collect data by software for statistics, like Excel. Do the diagrams would be use the software, like word. Time chart JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember Research for Literature review Formulate research strategy, design and select methods Questionnaire Interviews Field Work/ Data collection Data Analysis Write up Conclusion. This research expects to explore the teenagers’ preference on organic food in Brighton & Hove, which can get exactly information to answer the research question. I hope the teenagers will more concern their health and environment and animal in order to develop a sustainable society. The organic food company may take this kind research forward, which will bring long-term benefit if they grasp customer behavior and attitude. Maybe they will not only survey the teenager, but also research the householder behavior and psychology due to they have economic power. Bibliography Aronson, J. (1994). Nova. 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